Michigan Gov. Whitmer Caught Breaking COVID Rules at Bar


Once again, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) finds herself in hot water after a photo surfaced showing her breaking her own social distancing rules at an East Lansing bar over the weekend.

“The group shot of 13 individuals appeared to violate the governor’s restaurant capacity order issued May 15 on ‘gathering limitations for entertainment establishments, recreational establishments, and food service establishments,'” according to Breitbart, which first obtained the photo.

That rule mandates that “Consumption of food or beverages is permitted only in a designated dining area where patrons are seated, groups of patrons are separated by at least 6 feet, no more than 6 patrons are seated together (at a table, booth, or group of fixed seats), and groups of patrons do not intermingle.”

The group was dining at the Landshark bar in East Lansing.

Also pictured was Whitmer’s newly-appointed chief operations officer, Tricia Foster.

Foster was busted by Breitbart traveling to Florida for spring break with her teenage children in April, after her boss warned Michiganders against traveling to Florida.

Caught red-handed, Whitmer was forced to apologize.

“Throughout the pandemic, I’ve been committed to following public health protocols,” Whitmer told the Detroit News Sunday. “Yesterday, I went with friends to a local restaurant. As more people arrived, the tables were pushed together. Because we were all vaccinated, we didn’t stop to think about it.”

“In retrospect, I should have thought about it. I am human. I made a mistake, and I apologize,” she said.

But Whitmer has not “committed” to following public health guidelines during the pandemic.

She is currently fighting off a scandal after she ignored Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines in March, and flew to visit her ailing father in Florida.

Further, she took the trip just before warning Michiganders against traveling to Florida, and warned those who may be returning to Michigan from Florida for the spring and summer.

The trip was paid for by Michigan Transition 2019, a nonprofit that raked in millions after Whitmer’s 2018 election. The organization paid more than $27,500 for the private chartered flight, which is both ethically and legally questionable. Whitmer insists she paid her own way, spending $855 in personal funds on the trip.

The company that chartered the flight, Air Eagle LLC, also might not have been cleared by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to charter flights.

Whitmer is set to ease COVID restrictions on June 1, following public pressure.

She ditched a prior plan that would have required a certain percentage of residents to be vaccinated before the state reopened, which was originally targeted for July 1.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a contributor at The Michigan Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].


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